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Why You Need To Market Your Veterinary Practice

May 21st, 2013 | Vets and Pets
Why You Need To Market Your Veterinary Practice

A typical day in the life of a veterinarian can swing between spending endless hours in the consulting room, and taking care of routine checkups, vaccinations, and skin problems. It can have happy moments with successful medical treatments and procedures on one hand and heart breaking emergencies when a beloved pet is bought in having suffered grievous injuries from fights or accidents on the other. Through it all, one fact stands out absolutely clear – the life of a veterinarian can be hard and an emotional roller-coaster at the best of times; but it also is one of the most heart warming and rewarding careers for it highlights one of the most important of human traits – COMPASSION.

A veterinary practice is different from other medical practices in so many ways. For one, primary human communication is missing and veterinarians are required to have an intuitive understanding of how to deal with and treat their patients. There is an unspoken bond of trust that patients and clients build with their veterinarian. More often that not, this bond of trust leads to a life long relationship. In fact the client base of a majority of veterinary practices is made up of repeat clients and patients. What began as a solitary visit for a regular vaccination or treatment for a particular condition can soon culminate into a regular routine.

Veterinary Practices and the New Market Place

We are living in a new economy where the market place is subject to both local and global economic trends. Businesses no longer function merely in a physical world; the market place has shifted online and the consumer is king in this new arena. Everything from pricing to design of product and services, demand and supply trends, marketing strategies and marketing avenues, client interactions etc. are now governed by consumer choices.

The Internet has opened up the market place in more ways than one and it has changed the dynamics of how consumers access information and make buying choices.  Pet owners are a part of this changing consumer shift as they are willing to spend more money on their pets. The only difference being, they are now more aware about their options and far more deliberate about their choice which means they are ready to wield this power when it comes to selecting a veterinary care provider for their beloved pet. And they only want the best that money can buy.

So the question really is this – can your veterinary practice flourish in the new market place?

In spite of competition heating up and game changing market play, most veterinarians are holding on to the “my practice is different” ideology. Consider the following statistics – Today the pet care services is a multi-billion industry with 72.9 million American families have pets. Pet owners will spend $25.5 billion alone on pet care services and supplies and $19.5 billion on pet food. In light of these trends which are only set to expand in the coming years, can you afford to hold on to a “stand alone” policy when it comes to marketing and expanding your veterinary practice?

Marketing for your Veterinary Practice the Ekwa way

A successful business, or in this case veterinary practice, is driven by a comprehensive and robust marketing strategy. We at Ekwa understand that every veterinary practice is different. And the first step towards making a successful marketing strategy is to gain a clear understanding of the requirements and choices of current clients and the expectations of potential clients. Six important questions which will drive your marketing strategy are –

•    Who are your clients?
•    Where are they online?
•    What animals do your clients own?
•    What kind of services are your clients looking for?
•    What veterinary care services do you provide?
•    What are the best ways to reach potential clients?

Based on the all important premise of building relationships and expanding your veterinary practice brand, the Ekwa team will formulate a marketing strategy that will reflect your core practice values of quality pet care, reliability, honesty, availability and the best value for money.

Contact us today and let us be a part of this privileged journey with you!

Do you have any questions or doubts regarding incorporating marketing into your practice? Fill the form below and our team will get back to you with answers!
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