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How Sharable is your Google+ Content?

June 30th, 2014 | Vets and Pets
How Sharable is your Google+ Content?

After laboring for hours over creating an excellent blog article or visual item, you obviously want to quickly share it with your Google+ audience. It definitely helps that most people on Google+ happen to share similar passions and interests. So while it does become easier to share content which is specific to your veterinary practice with likeminded leaders within your industry or circle, it is a whole different ball game if you decide to expand beyond your established niche.

Creating Awesome Content for your Google+ Audience

Anyone who is active over social wants to create the perfect social media post; posts which can get you the maximum exposure and hopefully win you greater shares and likes. In a lot of ways Google+ offers users a little bit of both Facebook and Twitter. So while you can give a shout-out to individual users just like over Twitter, instead of the “@” the social site uses “+” before a user’s name. Again, just like with Facebook, you can expect your posts to have longevity.
When it comes to Google+, maximum benefits can be gleaned by embracing the circle. Start by creating different circles for each of your audience types as this helps in sharing your veterinary content. You can further customize the circle by creating the most appropriate headline and description based on the kind of people who are in the group. Of course, success is not going to happen overnight; winning the kind of exposure you want for your content will take time, however, the one thing you can definitely count on is that it will be well received.

Follow the Community Culture

Communities are perfect for upping your veterinary marketing social game. Why? Well, for one, you have your ideal target audience and it is easier to engage them with content which is specific to the given niche. You have a like-minded bunch of people and if you can provide highly relevant content, it provides you with the perfect opportunity to engage. Identify and join the most relevant and highly active discussion groups. After all, you do want people to recognize you for much more than just your content. The best and most effective way of attracting reader attention for your veterinary practice is by creating longer copy with a few key points so your audience knows what to expect. To further engage with your audience, you can always ask them hit your personal profile with some feedback.

Things to Keep in Mind

Google+ communities are perfect for engaging with your target audience. However, before you go ahead and start engaging with your audience, keep the following in mind.

  • Don’t repeat the same veterinary content over and over again
  • Make sure you respond to comments; beyond simply being polite, it helps drive the “engagement” factor
  • Engagement works both ways; if you want engagement you need to make sure you engage with the content put out by your audience as well

Creating the perfect content with high sharable potential definitely takes time. You might not get it right always, however, the important thing is to keep trying. Use the feedback and conversations with your audience to understand what your readers want and focus on creating content centering on those topics.

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