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4 Ways to be more Repinnable on Pinterest

April 3rd, 2014 | Vets and Pets
4 Ways to be more Repinnable on Pinterest

One of the best places for veterinarians to engage with their clients and reach out to their potential audience is over a visual-based social platform. If Pinterest is your platform of choice, then you have chosen well. Not only is Pinterest one of the fast-growing social networks, but according to Mashable, it refers more traffic than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined. If you can create boards that interests and inspire people, they will be more than happy to re-share that information through repins.

How you can make your items are more Repinnable

Eighty percent of the pins over Pinterest are in fact repins. Repins essentially re-circulate within the stream of sharable items over Pinterest; this results in generation of additional traffic and further encourages more repins. However, what’s truly remarkable about Pinterest is that repinned images/links don’t come with a shelf life. What this means is that repinned items are posted permanently on pinboards and people can go back to a topic that interests them weeks, and months or even years later and still find them. With even more information than before! Here are 4 tips to keep in mind if you want your pins to be more repinnable.

Showcase your Veterinary Practice Brand

Pet health tips, local animal events, your local pet park, cute animal photos, and helpful information for pet parents are just some ideas for creating interesting pinboards. Steer clear of any controversial pins/topics; rather create pinboards which aptly reflect your brand and are of interest to your target audience. Showcasing your brand means sharing visual content which both appeals to and benefits your target audience/community.

Interest and Engage your Audience

Interesting and engaging images are crowd puller; you can provide an explanation via a graphic on the image which makes it easy and quick to identify. And if they like it, they will be quick to repin the picture as well. A little creativity can go a long way; veterinary practices can put up pins and pinboards of funny and or cute animals, or put up pins of pets showcasing a particular talent, or even of pets that look like humans!  Animal lovers and pet owners love these kinds of images and pictures and will readily repin them.

Research is the Name of the Game

Research is vital to maintaining an audience bank; if veterinary professionals want to make a hit of their pinboards knowing what images are being pinned by others and which images are getting the maximum repins can help in beating the competition. You should be aware of which of your pins are being repinned and also by whom; you also need to know what kind of items users pin from not only your site but also from your competitor’s sites. Armed with this information, you will be in a better position to develop your current boards and curate material for new boards.

Make your Photos/images Stand Out

It is visuals galore on Pinterest; you’re photos and images need to stand out and impress. Keep in mind, this is a visual platform and you are going to be competing against a variety of beautiful pins and pictures. Clever quotes, funny memes, professional photographs or exotic travel destinations, beautiful shots of breathtaking landscape, scrumptious food photography are all up there and they have a waiting audience. Blending quality, which means a focused, well-lit, and well-cropped picture, with uniqueness, should be your creative angle. Remember, if you want repins, it is going to take a little hard work and creativity.

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