How to Maximize your Pinterest ROI
The best aspect of using v is that you don’t need several paragraphs to convey your message – a single picture is all it takes. Remember, the audience on
Pinterest is very captive, engaged, and highly interactive.
Capitalize on this aspect in the following ways -

Be Selective when Pinning:-
Instead of pinning every single product or service offering, select the images that are unique and visually compelling; in short pin the best ones.

Teasers attract attention:-
Don’t pack all the information you want to deliver in one single image or one image description. Instead create pins that carry information that does not give out too much, yet is enticing enough for followers to come to your boards.

Add 'Pin It' Buttons:-
Make sure to add buttons which make it easy for people to
pin your images; this is similar to integrating social networks and sharing buttons within your website. And don't forget to add a follow button for your
Pinterest profile!

Consistency and Variety go hand in hand:-
Develop a cyclic pinning pattern that is both consistent and frequent - remember when you pin more, you are substantially increasing the chances for people to like and re-pin, like, follow or comment. Also, images on your board come with a long shelf-life so their visibility potential remains high for a longer duration. Get into the habit of repining, and or like, follow and comment on other relevant pins/pinners. Being personable can have its own dividends.

Create boards to display your Interests:-
Pinterest is a
marketing tool; however, people want to see the story, the
culture, and values behind the
business image. Use your boards to show your personality, your
interests, the person behind the brand and you will find followers.

Vertical/taller pins really do work:-
Because of the unique
Pinterest layout, taller or vertical images actually help in attracting more people. You might also want to consider using dark borders on your image or using think memes to enhance your
pin boards.

Pin Mashups:-
A great idea to attract views is by combining multiple content into a vertical image with each piece showing up on a different block. This works best if you want to group favorite items, or for “how-to” steps.

Create a customer board:-
One of the best ways of showing your followers and customers you care is by creating a customer board. Use this board to feature a particular customer each week. A great idea for encouraging entries would be via a repining contest.

Secret Boards:-
Secret boards can be used in a lot of different ways to attract and retain customer attention. Similar to an exclusive membership, secret boards can be used for a specific demographic or audience base. You can invite these VIP members to contribute to the board, secretly of course. Secret boards can also serve as collaboration area for your staff.